About the Club

The Milton Bridge Club is renowned for providing good competition in a friendly relaxed and encouraging atmosphere.
Visitors are most welcome.

Milton Bridge Club
South Coast, NSW

Milton Bridge Club Inc was incorporated on 13th March 2002 and is affiliated with NSW Bridge Association and Australian Bridge Federation.

We welcome players of all standards to our Bridge sessions – Every Tuesday & Thursday commencing 12.45 pm for 1 pm start. 

Bridge game starts 1.00pm.
Our Location –  1st Floor, Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, 68/74 St Vincent Street, Ulladulla NSW.

A relaxed and friendly atmosphere to play &/or learn bridge

Bridge session every Tuesday & Thursday,
starting at 1 pm

Our Club welcomes new members to play bridge. As a single player it is essential you call Katie 24 hrs prior to arrange a session time and partner. Katie Mob: – 0419 681 644

NOTE: If you are regular partners/players and plan on not attending a bridge session, please ensure you advise Katie.

Would you like to learn Bridge?

Milton Bridge Club also offers ongoing player improvement and beginner’s lessons, it is free of charge. Our Lessons page has more details.

We are proud to be associated with Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, which supports the local community. The Bowling Club offers excellent recreational activities and meals. Why not try to stay on after bridge finishes for drinks and/or dinner.

A relaxed and friendly atmosphere to play &/or learn bridge

Table Fees and Membership Costs

Our Club operates with the following applicable costs @ Jan 2023.

  • Yearly membership fee = $20.00 (Payable before AGM – usually – January)
    Payment via BSB 032 701 account # 140475
  • Table Fee at each Session = $4.00 – Members & Visitors

Bridge Sessions:

Every Tuesday & Thursday commencing 12.45 pm for 1 pm start.
Tutorial/lessons are held as arranged.

Bridge game starts promptly at 1.00 pm.

BRIDGE - A poem by Ron Webster

The game of Bridge is one I love to play
One that I would play almost every day
How thirteen cards could cause such stress
And turn me into a braindead mess

Partner opens 1NT, what’s my reply?
Will it be, Gerber, Bubbles or Dragonfly?
Bruce knows my reply is normally wrong
should be greeted with a great big gong

Our voices when loud are a mortal sin
“Silence is Golden” as the hands begin
Reply to your bid must be quickly met
But a mobile’s ring, brings a quick death threat

Concentration each hand a definite must
And the play of your partner a definite trust
All players in the club are extremely nice
Yourself being congenial is my advice

Our monthly dinner is a definite date
Table positioning a disorderly state
Our Michael’s skill soon seats the mass
The menu Chinese or old Bangers and Mash

The Lovely Ladies I really do adore
But their good play always reduces our score
The scoring system always leaves me aghast
When I think we’ve done well, we have finished last!

By Ron Webster 2023 ~ Milton Bridge Club Member.

New Members & Visitors Welcome

A relaxed and friendly atmosphere to play and/or learn bridge

Club Committee Members

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